the room switch
April 2022
As part of the planning for the move to Lanzarote later in 2022, we decided to re-arrange the rooms on the first floor.
The work room would become a new bedroom using the furniture from Steffi's flat in Tübingen which had been in storage since mid-2021, the old bedroom at the front of the house would become Martin's work room, and the room we used to call the red room because of the red leather sofa would become Steffi's work room.
Before the removal company came on the 22nd of April we did all the preparation work. On the 22nd, among quite few other things, they took the tables in the work room apart for shipping to Lanzarote. The following Monday and Tuesday the floor in the old work room was sanded down and re-sealed and on the Thursday the painters came to do the walls and the ceiling (the windows and doors had been done in Summer 2020). And the following Monday the removal company came again to bring some more things and move the heavy stuff around. We did manage to move the red sofa from the red room to the work room; we were quite proud of that.
I took these panorama photos from the corners of the original rooms using my mobile, a Samsung A21, which has panorama photography built-in. They're not bad.