the room switch
April/May 2022
As part of the planning for the move to Lanzarote later in 2022, we decided to re-arrange the rooms on the first floor.
In the next gallery you can see what the rooms used to look like and what was done.
The room which is now the new bedroom was always planned as the master bedroom in this house. But since January 2002, when I moved in, it's always been the main work room. The old red room was also a work room at some point, as was the old bedroom.
Since the move we quite often walk into this bedroom and are very surprised that the tables, computers and printer are missing.
I took these photos from the corners of the rooms after the move using my Canon 600D. For each panorama I took 4 or 5 portrait wide-angle photos and made the final panorama version using Lightroom. I exported them full-size (maximum width 10,000 px) but as always reduced the jpg quality to 50%. Some of these photos are 50MP. They're not bad.